Saturday, December 4, 2010

In the "Lap" of the gods

When all else fails.....there's always a lapband.  Is it the perfect solution that is the easy way out?  No.  Is it a great help for people who have life threatening obesity-related diseases/conditions?  Yes.

For a balanced view of this and similar weight loss tools, check these articles out.  this one talks about reducing the BMI level for lapband surgery so that people with lower levels of obesity can become eligible.  The article warns, however, that "experts stress that the Lap-Band cannot stop deeply ingrained behavior that drives people to overeat. "  And   "There are certainly people who've had gastric bypass surgery and managed to turn themselves back into their original size by sipping on milkshakes all day."   

What does this mean?  A lapband is no substitute for dealing with the use of food to control mood.  Otherwise, people WILL find a way to continue to cope by eating, in some form or another.  Or they will find another unhealthy behaviour to use as a coping mechanism (e.g. drinking, spending etc.)

For some people the combination of lapband and emotional eating counselling may be the best option - but my advice is get the counselling first, before you spend $15,000 dollars on a "fingers crossed" procedure because you've "tried every diet under the sun and failed".  Of course that was a failure, but YOU didn't fail the diet, the DIET failed you.  And the failed diet plus the guilt and shame it engenders may well be the reason you are overweight/obese. 

And this article talks about an interesting phenomenon for people who have lost weight through bariatric surgery.  Guess're still the same person, you're just 50kg lighter.  This busts the myth that when you become will be perfect.  Damn, this really bugs me.  I, too, am guilty of putting things off and expecting miraculous change when I lose the last 15 - 20 kg that persists.  I think after all the years of dieting (I have probably lost 200kg over the years - and gained 220kg) I deserve to have life offer me health, wealth, happiness, love, confidence etc. etc. etc.  The truth is that this is something that you have to go and get for yourself, no matter what your weight is.  read it and weep...or resolve to be your best self no matter what your weight is.

So get your hand out of the cookie jar right now and go for a walk!

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