Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pretty soon fat people are going to be blamed for global warming.

Recent articles have blamed obese people for the prospect of a global food shortage in the future, and for causing discomfort to others on aeroplane flights, because of taking up "too much" room.  What's next???


This article documents that sitting next to obese people is the number one passenger complaint and that airfares could be based on passenger weight.  But the comments below the article are the real entertainment (or .... whatever's the opposite of entertainment)

"Yeah, death to the fatties. I think it should be legal to shoot them on sight, or at least punch them in the face without legal recourse. Now that I can't abuse gays or Asians, who else I am allowed to make fun of? Alcos and druggies are able to hide their problems, and you wouldn't know compulsive gamblers by looking at them. Let me enjoy my fatty bashing; god knows I am better than them and you."

This delightful individual (one can only hope this is written ironically) actually has some insight.  He can see that non-hungry eating, alcohol or drug consumption and gambling are all coping strategies - its just that overeating is the most obvious one.

So all us fatties can learn from this person that overweight is NOT a moral issue, its a health issue.  The less guilt and shame, the less weight you gain.  Ooh - that's sheer poetry!  I shall repeat it in large letters because I am so pleased with my rhyming ability.

The less guilt and shame, the less weight you gain.   

A new mantra from a chubby guru - me.

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