Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year

7 hours to the end of the year.  Who feels really bloated and sick of rich foods?  Who is working on their list of  resolutions - is it about a mile long and full of all or nothing statements?  Probably!

I will pass on advice from an expert - Steven Covey.  He can say it much better than I can.

My wish for all of you is to be as kind and compassionate to yourselves as you are to other people. Whether in relation to self-esteem, body weight, eating behaviour or just in general.

Here's what Steven says:  (sorry that he says it really narrowly - I don't seem to be able to fix it.)


Seven Strategies for Highly Effective New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Eve is just around the corner.  It’s likely that at least one person will ask you what your resolutions are for the year ahead. Whether you like to make them or not, research has found that people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions. Yet as you know, it’s not so easy to keep your resolve as life returns to normal and your old habits of mind and action start testing your resolve and pulling you away from the new ones you resolved to create.
Change is difficult, yet as hard as it is, everyone has the ability to make and keep meaningful changes in their life, regardless of their age, or how well worn their habitual ways of engaging in the world.

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