Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Emotional Eating, Obesity, Bingeing: Do you believe you can change?

"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."
- Henry Ford 

Sorry to give it all away in the first line, but it is worth reading on, believe me!

We often think that all we need to do is find the right diet, the right personal trainer, the right therapist and we will be able to overcome our unhealthy and unhelpful behaviours.  And, of course, that once we do we will be worthwhile and confident people.

However, so many of my clients say to me "is this going to work?" when we talk about making change in both thinking and behaviour.  In reality, the change agent is you, not the new method/diet/shrink.  When I first start hearing change talk emanating from a client, I do a little internal dance of glee - because that's a great indicator that they are on the path to success.  I would do an external dance of glee but that might scare people.

This article from The Age talks about how our beliefs influence us at a cellular level, the origin of these beliefs and how we can work towards changing them.


The Gwinganna Believe and Be Well Program suggests:

-  Reappraising your circumstances and noticing how many of your thoughts are productive and pure versus unproductive and destructive. Notice that the levels may be different at home and at work.

- Ground yourself in your body with your breath. Diaphragmatic breathing takes us into the conscious pre-frontal lobe and out of the subconscious limbic brain.

- Respect where deeper beliefs originated and be gentle and kind to yourself.

- Weed out negative beliefs and cultivate nutritional thoughts and beliefs.

- Nurture yourself through stillness of body and mind, connection to nature and mindful living.

- Ask yourself what is the deepest longing of your heart.


"Whatever the mind of (wo)man can conceive and believe, it can achieve"
- Napoleon Hill.


"I think I can - I think I can - I think I can.....I know I can - I know I can - I CAN - I CAN - I CAN!!!" - The Little Engine That Could.

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