Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Psychology of Eating

The April 2012 issue of Mindfood has an interesting article entitled "Why Aren't We Winning The Weight-Loss War?"  It highlights the fact that restrictive eating has become standard procedure in our lives.  We are choosing the food that we feel we "should" eat, not the food we want to eat.  Therefore, we are always dissatisfied.  Because we have divided food into "good" and "bad" categories we feel virtuous when we eat good foods and naughty and guilty when we eat the bad guys. And when we feel negative emotions, a key coping strategy is eating.....  That sounds a lot like one of those hamster wheels where no matter how much you run, you never get anywhere.

The 3 steps they talk about are:
1.  The Psychology of Restriction
2.  External vs Hunger Cues
3. Underlying Issues
And there's a sidebox entitled "Don't Eat Your Feelings" - exactly the point of my counselling work!

I was thrilled to read this in a magazine where no diet plans are featured.  If you can't get hold of a copy of the magazine (Nigella Lawson is on the cover) there is a podcast of the author talking about the psychology of restriction.  Go to

This approach is the future of permanent weight loss.  It deals with the causes and not just the effect (the excess weight).

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